

I’m a Pagan.

I’m a married woman in my late twenties.  I’m in a very conservative, buttoned-down profession.  I wear a lot of J. Crew.  You would never guess that I’m a Pagan.  Most of the people who know me in real life have no idea.

If you saw me on the street, you would probably assume that I’m a lapsed Catholic (which I am).  I have had only sporadic interaction with other Pagans in real life, and they haven’t gone very well.  I tend not to fit in.  I don’t like sci fi, or ren faires, or Harry Potter.  I’m about the most vanilla upper-middle-class white American you could possibly imagine. 

But I’m a Pagan.  I’m not ashamed of being a Pagan.  But I’m not ashamed of being preppy and vanilla either. 

In beginning this blog, I am beginning another phase in my ongoing quest to reconcile these two important parts of my identity.  Can you be an out, practicing Pagan and a preppy vanilla suburbanite at the same time?

We’ll find out.

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