
Making Contact

January 25, 2010

Why hello again, internet.  It’s been awhile.

In the meantime, I’ve made contact.  Yes, I showed my face (in public!) to meet up with a small group of fellow Pagans.  I’ve met them three times now.  They’re very nice.

I would say more about my fellow Pagans and my thoughts upon meeting them.  But this leads to the more pressing issue of just how specific I ought to get on this blog.  You can see that I’m speaking English, and probably have a good shot at guessing which country I’m in.  But should I tell you for sure?  Should I hint at which region of my country I live in?

Ha!  I just noticed that in my first post I mentioned that I am American.  There’s one detail I can’t hide anymore.

I suppose any blog by a Pagan ought to have nature pictures.  And I suppose that some of the astute naturalists among you may see my pictures, recognize the living things in them, and figure out roughly where I live.

Look, I just showed you that it’s cold here.  I just revealed a bit more than I needed to.

It’s not that I’m scared that people will find out that I’m a Pagan.  My immediate family would probably not be surprised.  My extended family certainly would be surprised, but I don’t intend to tell them any time soon.  I think my friends and colleagues would be surprised to find me embracing any sort of religion, and that Paganism is not especially more surprising than any other.  In fact, I think a full-throated endorsement of Christianity would be more surprising to most who know me.

You’ll note that I’m using “Paganism” as if it were a single religion and not a broad category of religions.  That’s because I haven’t yet been initiated into any particular tradition, and in any case I’m not ready to reveal which tradition I’m studying.  There, I just refrained from revealing something worth revealing.

This whole “making contact” thing is tricky business.  I need contacts, I need friends.  But I also feel the need to be discreet.  Every time I go sit at Starbucks with members of the local Shrine, I take the risk that someone I know will see me at a table full of people wearing pentacles.  Every word I write on the blog, I take the risk that it will somehow link the blog back to my real identity.

But it’s worth the risk if it means making contact.


“Plainclothes Pagan”

August 24, 2009

I’m a Pagan.

I’m a married woman in my late twenties.  I’m in a very conservative, buttoned-down profession.  I wear a lot of J. Crew.  You would never guess that I’m a Pagan.  Most of the people who know me in real life have no idea.

If you saw me on the street, you would probably assume that I’m a lapsed Catholic (which I am).  I have had only sporadic interaction with other Pagans in real life, and they haven’t gone very well.  I tend not to fit in.  I don’t like sci fi, or ren faires, or Harry Potter.  I’m about the most vanilla upper-middle-class white American you could possibly imagine. 

But I’m a Pagan.  I’m not ashamed of being a Pagan.  But I’m not ashamed of being preppy and vanilla either. 

In beginning this blog, I am beginning another phase in my ongoing quest to reconcile these two important parts of my identity.  Can you be an out, practicing Pagan and a preppy vanilla suburbanite at the same time?

We’ll find out.